1 | 60-Minute Lesson: $65
2 | 45-Minute Lesson: $55
3 | 30-Minute Lesson: $45
(for a 60-minute lesson; times adjust according to lesson length)
Discussion. Approximately 5 minutes will be used to discuss progress from the previous week’s lesson and identify challenges and successes from the previous week of practice.
Vocal Exercises. These are frequently called “warm-ups” and they are the most important aspects of the voice lesson because they target specific technical and artistic skillsets and foster the most consistent growth of the singer/artist. At least 30 minutes of the lesson time will be spent on these items. They include, but are not limited to, exercises for body alignment, breathing, breath support/management, phonation, resonation, articulation, and expression/acting.
Repertoire. Learning songs and arias is the secondary goal of the lessons. Approximately 15–25 minutes of our lesson time will be spent on repertoire. We will use this time to review and correct minor mistakes in the music, but most of this time should be spent incorporating the targeted skills from the vocal exercises into the repertoire. One of the harder aspects of taking lessons is understanding that it's not the primary job of Dr. Burns to teach words, notes, and rhythms during lesson time. This type of work should be done outside the lesson by the student in their personal practice time. Dr. Burns will teach the student how to practice as well.
Goals/Planning. Approximately 5–10 minutes will be used to plan for the next week’s practice and goals for the next lesson.
You should bring the following items to each lesson:
A 3-ring binder with your sheet music, a pencil, and extra paper to take notes. Some people prefer to use a iPad/tablet which is fine, but it must have a good music library app, for example ForScore.
An audio-video recording device such as a smart phone or tablet. Dr. Burns has tripods you can use.
A water bottle for drinking and staying hydrated.
Practice each day; learning how to sing well requires daily practice so that your body and mind can learn the coordination it needs to make the voice work in a beautiful, powerful, musical, and expressive way. You should divide your practice time equally between vocal exercises and working on your repertoire:
30 minutes per day for beginner students
45 minutes per day for intermediate students
60 minutes per day for advanced students
Buy or Borrow music. Dr. Burns typically assigns all songs according to your current abilities. Other songs will be considered, especially if assigned for a school performance such as a musical, choir concert, or All-State/Music Festival audition. Please make sure that you bring any necessary music or other materials for upcoming lessons. Sometimes books can be loaned from your music teacher at school, or you can purchase books and sheet music from local shops or online retailers.
These are minimum practice guidelines; students should talk to Dr. Burns about adding more practice time to this routine if they feel that they are ready to do more. Dr. Burns will set practice goals and instructions at the previous lesson.​
Lessons will be conducted in a professional manner and will require similar considerations from both the student and Dr. Burns. Singing is a physical act, just like sports or dance, that requires much coordination in the human body. Sometimes Dr. Burns may need to place his hands on the student. To be clear, this approach is avoided when possible; however, Dr. Burns will always ask the student for permission prior to any touching. Touching will never occur below the abdominal area; touching is most common for the head/cranium, chin, jaw, neck, shoulders, arms, and upper back. Dr. Burns will never ask to touch the student’s chest, abdomen, hips, legs, or feet. If the student is not comfortable with physical touch or with any other part of the lesson, they are free and highly encouraged to dissent, object, and/or voice their concerns at any time. Dr. Burns maintains an open dialogue policy at all times. Lessons are meant to be enjoyable learning experiences, so please let Dr. Burns know if there are any concerns.